Friday, October 19, 2007

Where to Get My Book, or v. Barnes and Noble

If you look to the sidebar under "Buy the Book," you'll see links for both Barnes and Noble and Barnes & Noble has the book for $17.99 ($16.19 for B&N club members). I was told that, for some reason, Amazon is slow to get books from the History Press into its warehouses, so there are no new copies available. There is, however, a "used--like new" copy available on Amazon from an independent seller for $94.87. (Ed. note: These prices were good as of 10/19/2007.) Do not ask me why the seller decided on that price. I don't even know if that's one of the copies I signed! But I have to admit, I'm kind of flattered that I'm considered collectible.

If you're in Charlottesville or nearby, you can get copies at New Dominion Bookshop on the Downtown Mall and Barnes & Noble at Barracks Road Shopping Center. In Lynchburg, you can get them at Givens Books (where I'll be signing books tomorrow from 1-3pm).
