Montpelier is a very interesting place. It was the home of James and Dolley Madison, who lived there with Madison's parents. Madison is related to Albemarle County, not only because he was a friend and protege of Thomas Jefferson, but because he was the first President of the Albemarle Agricultural Society. The house is also interesting because it was owned by the DuPont family from the late nineteenth century to 1983, when Marion duPont Scott died and left it to the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
After much study, the National Trust decided to restore the house to it's eighteenth-century look, removing all of the DuPont additions. Now, the restoration is complete and on September 17, 2008 -- Constitution Day -- Montpelier will hold a Restoration Celebration, open to the public.
On November 1st, Montpelier will host the Montpelier Hunt Races, a tradition started by Mrs. Scott in 1924.